Friday, February 23, 2007
Xiang Xin Zi Ji, Wei Meng Xiang Er Fen Dou
Keep Fighting!!! This is what i just want to tell you all after i watch TANK concert at MTV mandarin.Dang Ni Shi xian ni de meng xiang shi, shi yi zhong Gan Dong...
In that concert, TANK almost he reaches his dream...especially when he was singing the song Dear TANK. The song is very meaningful to him ...
Fei Ni Mo Shu
This song is sang by TANK, His lastest ablum( Keep Fighting).TANK is one of the singer i like , he have done very well in his singing career...and most of my favourite song is been compo by him. Example, Fahrenheit -XiaXue.Some of the song i put into my blog were also his very own song too...NICE?Was he talented??? yes...
Post Later!:)
6:06 AM;;
♥ Enjoy~♥
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Hi everyone!
Happy Chinese New Year to ALL OF YOU!!!
Hope you guy enjoy yourself this few day.Anyone of you remember today is what day?
5 4 3 2 1... is My sad...only Jermine ,my Secondary sch friends, 1 cousin and my parent remember disappointed about my primary school friends...
i thought we could like last time...and my neighbour too!She forgotten everything, what she say she never do it, i sms her, she ask me back who are u...heartbroken... i Don't know whether she is still angry on about the Fahrenheit Autography Concert a not...because that time i ask her if she wants to go with me a not, she told me she need to go to work AND I BELIEVE HER.She was the one i trusted most.And on that day, 5pm plus she sms me say if she could join us in the queue and say she went to S.H.E autography concert.i reply her that cannot is not because of i angry, i never ever think about what she say in the past, i juz know that the guard don't let people in since 12 pm, and a lot of things is happening there , people not feeling well, people lost their bag,and i was been squeeze by the people.i type that i busy don't reply.And until now , she never even talk to me more than 5 sentences yet...Oh my god...what should i do? Did i do anything wrong?Anyone can give me any comments?
Ok lah change subject,Chinese New Year coming in not more than 24 hours soon...getting excited?Take note hor...coz i nagging again...muahahaha...remeber to drink PLAIN WATER during Chinese New Year hor...if not when sch re-open , everyone no sound haha...and also don't eat so much oily food...later grew fat ma fan liao...haha...and also must remember to watch Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu worr...the feeling between watch it in computer and television is different me...haha...ok lah. Enjoy yourself ya!!! Post later1 :)
12:13 AM;;
♥ Enjoy~♥
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Precious Moments

Tomorrow is 14/2/07 Valentine 's Day.To Couples is a Precious Moments.To friends is the time to gather.
There are how many precious moments in our lives? A Lots...Every moments that we spend together with is a Precious Moments, treasure it.Don't wait until it was gone and u starts to regret...
My Precious Moments...the Happy Moments that i spend with my family, my *Sister(karkar),my best friend and my Friends...How i wish we could be in the same secondary schools and continue our friendship juz like the past we offen do...joking around , studying together, shopping... Can we still do that like the past we did? Can we?
Anyway, are you all coming back on this friday???I going back.So,tag it into the tagboard ok? 2006 6/5 Students takenote, if you all are going back to visit miss teo,go before 1.30pm as Miss Teo is leaving the school after 1.30pm ok?Any question go to out class blog ok???
One more thing, the song (Fei Ni Mo Shu) Nice?This song is sang by TANK in his lastest ablum.:) One reminder, Remember to watch Channel U this thursday at 7pm got Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu which acted by S.H.E Ella, Fahrenheit Jiro and Wu Zhun.Must support ok! Post later !
6:40 AM;;
♥ Enjoy~♥