每天,我总是为了一些事情不开心...有些时候连自己都会觉得自己想太多... 我该翘课吗?这是我昨天晚上心里反复问的一句话.结果到了今天早上,我还是硬着头皮去上课...but the practise is over!!!yeah!!! 这一次的holiday,我觉得没有差别leh...还是要回去学校for CCA,还是有一大堆的功课要做...最近,我addicted to <终极一家>,超好看的!!!有看终极一班的人一定要看哦~如果世界上真的有异能那我们的生增贴了很多乐趣,同时战争或不合也会越来越多.Haizzz...看了这么多集的终极一家,我也开始想找我的朋友<呜啦巴哈>来<呜啦巴哈>去.可是 很少朋友会陪我玩leh...Teacher's Day的时候我有回去小学,有看到以前的同学,看到男的classmate我的压力很大耶...很怕他们比我高...哈哈...我本来还很想吃小学的Laksa,可是已经买完了...:@ 哈哈 不过说真的,I miss the time in the past we play together, study together....especially chinese lesson, dam fun... I have change the song into some <终极一家>的Original Soundtrack,hope you guy like it ok?哈哈,我还为了这个原生带,几乎每天都跑去MJ shop里面烦那位店员"请问,终极一家的原生带来了吗?"哈哈...
Surprise...I use chinese word to post onto my blog...it really tooks me a lot of time haha...so hope you enjoy de songsthat I put into my blog...I next time then introduce you all one by one of some of the songs...some got a story behindit...haha... Reply tag:
Zandy:Hihi...thanks for tagging my blog...okok...update le...
William:eh...paiseh...you are which William?last time 6/5(2006)got two William, one is William Koak,one is William Goh...Which one are you?I think you William Koak right?:)anyway,thanks for tagging!!!
Annie,Zandy &...:okok...update le...:)
5:18 AM;;
♥ Enjoy~♥
♥ About Me♥`
Birthday:17 Feb...
Gender:Female(Of coz...)haha
What I Love?
My FAMILY!Friends who also be by myside...Music,Singing,Dancing and Swimming
Everyone stay Happy and Healthy
Having good exam result
Hip-hop Dance
Play Piano
Play Guitar
Play Drum
Grow Taller to 1.7m
A Chord's album
Knew more friends