Thursday, November 01, 2007

How are you guy?hehe...finally holiday le wor... :)
Yesterday my mood was not good...
I almost nearly reach my Target of going to express...
To go to express must have an average score of 70% and i got 69.1%.Just more 0.9 % and i reach my can like that...HaiZZZzzz...
Anyway...jiejie,thanks for buying me the drama (Angel Lover)is dam nice O.O...remember to takecare of your health ok?don't let yourself be too busy...:)
Sorry if i have not been updated coz i don't know if you guy will read my post anot.
I try to relink you guy as soon as possible ok?Takecare!Post later...bye!!!
7:36 AM;;
♥ Enjoy~♥