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Friday, May 23, 2008

Hey,I'm back again...
Today is the last day of term 2=1st day of june holiday!
i getting so excited ya...haha...(lame right?:P)
hm...let's talk about yesterday ba
Sharon granted my wish yesterday
I finally had the chance to go to KTV ever since i last went to Kbox in last year december???2006...
Jency,jermine and yanling came along with me too...it was yanling 1st time going to KTV...jermine improve a lot and
Jency rocks!!!
As for today,as usual for the last day of the term
school organize bonding programme,we had our breakfast together...cereal +banana???
then we watch the movie and play wakco,heart attack and more...
i got take some pic...

apple and orange juice:D

cereal with bananna???

game time...muahahahaha....
hm...i shall end here...ar,1 more thing,
Kariza,don't angry le lah...sorry!!!
post later!

7:34 AM;;

Thursday, May 01, 2008

haha...wa...i got 5 months never update my blog since the last post.
ok...i 'm back.Here's the reopen of my blog.:p
Hope you guys will like my blog.
Thanks people who spend time and celebrate with me my birthday in febrary,i miss the sushi keke...and also Minzhen Annie Xiao Hui and Xiao min who spend effort to give me a suprise...XD
Well...recently i have studying as normal,and at March, i went to a church with my senior and i met many new friends.and is so coindence that it is also the church that Minzhen mentions to me long ago...lol hm...is quite fun and far there...
Last week(i think...),i went swimming again with MinZhen and YokeKuan. Is fun,i even learn a backward stoke...haha...is so relaxing...Hoping to go with them to swim again after exams.
Now is the exam period.everyone must Gambaten for the exam okay?start revise of you haven!!!haha...
Wish everyone will have a good exam result ya:)

12:04 AM;;

Thursday, November 01, 2007


How are you guy?hehe...finally holiday le wor... :)

Yesterday my mood was not good...

I almost nearly reach my Target of going to express...

To go to express must have an average score of 70% and i got 69.1%.Just more 0.9 % and i reach my target...how can like that...HaiZZZzzz...
Anyway...jiejie,thanks for buying me the drama (Angel Lover)is dam nice O.O...remember to takecare of your health ok?don't let yourself be too busy...:)

Sorry if i have not been updated coz i don't know if you guy will read my post anot.

I try to relink you guy as soon as possible ok?Takecare!Post later...bye!!!

7:36 AM;;

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

New MV!!!
這是我的時代 由我給你未來
如果想活下來 就安靜聽我主宰
引爆整個時代 誰也不能逃開
看我出神入化 銀河系被我活埋

渡過了那麼多忍耐 渾身都不自在
正義在我血液澎湃 熬成火海
每一根神經是火柴 靈魂快要爆開
黑暗中你屏息等待 我醒過來
熱血從不會感到疲倦 就算雨下在眼前
夜 還只差一場雷電 還只差一個瞬間
我 準備好要世界汗顏

這是我的時代 由我給你未來
如果想活下來 就安靜聽我主宰
引爆整個時代 誰也不能逃開
看我出神入化 銀河系被我活埋

你說 為什麼愛是恨反面
你說 為什麼真理越來越遠
你說 為什麼要我拯救世界
我說 我已經不能停歇
你說 為什麼要我背負這些
你說 為什麼這麼難實現
你說 為什麼不放下一切
我說 我已經不能停歇

故事在沼澤中展開 我從渾沌醒來
定時炸彈早已安排 在我腦海
潛伏在心臟的火山 一但快要爆開
這一生我捍衛所愛 停不下來
明天我不怕什麼危險 就算愛被雪凍結
快 請試探我的極限 請放肆給我試煉
神 還有什麼終極考驗 我 準備好要世界汗顏

10:41 PM;;

时间滴答滴答的过去 我终于熬过了今天最不想上的舞蹈课...yeah!!!

我该翘课吗?这是我昨天晚上心里反复问的一句话.结果到了今天早上,我还是硬着头皮去上课...but the practise is over!!!yeah!!!
这一次的holiday,我觉得没有差别leh...还是要回去学校for CCA,还是有一大堆的功课要做...最近,我addicted to <终极一家>,超好看的!!!有看终极一班的人一定要看哦~如果世界上真的有异能那我们的生增贴了很多乐趣,同时战争或不合也会越来越多.Haizzz...看了这么多集的终极一家,我也开始想找我的朋友<呜啦巴哈>来<呜啦巴哈>去.可是 很少朋友会陪我玩leh...Teacher's Day的时候我有回去小学,有看到以前的同学,看到男的classmate我的压力很大耶...很怕他们比我高...哈哈...我本来还很想吃小学的Laksa,可是已经买完了...:@ 哈哈 不过说真的,I miss the time in the past we play together, study together....especially chinese lesson, dam fun...
I have change the song into some <终极一家>的Original Soundtrack,hope you guy like it ok?哈哈,我还为了这个原生带,几乎每天都跑去MJ shop里面烦那位店员"请问,终极一家的原生带来了吗?"哈哈...

Surprise...I use chinese word to post onto my blog...it really tooks me a lot of time haha...so hope you enjoy de songsthat I put into my blog...I next time then introduce you all one by one of some of the songs...some got a story behindit...haha...
Reply tag:
Zandy:Hihi...thanks for tagging my blog...okok...update le...
William:eh...paiseh...you are which William?last time 6/5(2006)got two William, one is William Koak,one is William Goh...Which one are you?I think you William Koak right?:)anyway,thanks for tagging!!!
Annie,Zandy &...:okok...update le...:)

5:18 AM;;

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Hello everyone...
sorry ar...my blogger very lag...i can't login...
hehe...i now in my school...
Introduce you guy the 5 thAlbum from JJ Lin (Xi Jie)
The title of the first song i want to introduce you is the song ( ShaShou),the song mv is a killer who fall in love with a girl but had kill her in the end.So poor thing...the Mv was been Banned from three studio as the Mv got include some picture of broken hand, head etc...but over all the song is nice.If you listen carefully,you can hear the instrument that JJ include,got gu zhen,nan diao etc...this is a new mixture of Jfusion.
Hm...i when to kbox with myfriend on my first youth day...at first i plan to watch movie...but the cinema doesn't have the show anymore...T_T...haha...then inthe end we wen to kbox...theprice in weekend was quite expensive...what about you guy?hm...the lesson going end liao...i gtg...post later :)

5:20 PM;;

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Today,I going intro you guy a song in TANK Keep Fighting 2nd Album.The song Title is Qing Tian Yu.I like this song as it was smooth and nice...lyrics are quite meaning full.While I look through the lyrics book, i found out that all the song except for one (Cheng Li De Yue Guang)were been Compo by TANK.It was amazing...my Mid-Year Exam start le...oh man...worry sia...my math still blurblur de...

Yo all my karkar, after the Mid-Year Exam, wanna go kbox or pizza hut???tell me either by msn, sms or tagboard ok? About the sports day...i still can't confirm whether i going a not,so i will tell you guy when i confirm if can or not ok???Hope you guy enjoy the song and all the best for you guy Mid-Year Exam ok? :)Wish me too ok???haha...post later...:)

9:47 PM;;

Friday, April 27, 2007

I long time no post le...How are you guy?Miss you guy so much...
I was very busy this few weeks preparing with my mid-year exam...
Today was the first paper, English.Very diffcult for me...I rushing through out the exam and I manage to do finish the whole paper...how are you guy?
Few week ago i injuried my leg and my elbow during my class outing...hm...and i cried... now ok le...waiting for it to fully recover...
Anyway, i now starts to feel a bit stressful le...i afraid of my maths paper & science paper... i got a lot of topic dun know how to do...
How about you guy?everything fine?
I saw some of ur comment le...Jia Li ,my blog not dying hor... :), Ahnie cool down ok?chiobu sheng qi bu hao...i think is my sec sch friend prank de lah...Xiao hui...i try to relink you ok...

Anyone here going to TANK Autography Concert?i want to go but cannot...who is going?can help me give TANK sign the album?I need someone help me, althought i asked my sec sch friend help me...but he is a guy leh...worse still, i need him to pass the letter to TANK...Big guy passing a letter to TANK don't you find it weird?i will very paiseh leh...he very helpful de...i dun want to ma fan him so much .so anyone going tell me in cbox or msn ok?
I am tired now...Don't wish to write anything more le...


Tank will be Jurong Entermainment Centre(open plaza)on 5 may , 3 pm to have his Autography Concert. He will also be in IMM on 6 may for the PSP PK Challange.

Guys please go and support him...he is a very good singer. Post later.Bye. :)

1:08 AM;;